About Us

Zaiput Flow Technologies is an MIT spin-out company launched to bring innovative liquid liquid separation tools for continuous flow chemistry to the batch and flow markets. Devoted to excellence, integrity, innovation, and outstanding customer service, the company offers devices focused on separation and extraction.

Our products include liquid liquid separators, liquid-gas separators, back pressure regulators, and multi-stage extraction platforms, that are scalable, modular, and continuous. Whether you work in academia or industry, if you work in batch or continuous flow, we believe that our products will help to streamline your work, enable new approaches, and allow you to harvest the power of chemistry.

Management Team

Andrea Adamo, Ph.D. - Founder and CEO

Dr. Andrea Adamo is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the development of innovative engineering solutions and the developer of Zaiput core technologies. He also serves as the Innovation Advisor at Snapdragon Chemistry. Dr. Adamo holds a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Palermo, Italy and a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from the University Federico II of Naples, Italy in addition to a Master of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was also awarded the Fulbright Scholarship. After completing his graduate studies, Dr Adamo joined the laboratory of Professor Klavs Jensen, Director of the MIT Chemical Engineering Department and arguably one the world leaders in continuous flow chemistry. He worked in the Jensen Group first as a post doctoral associate and than as a research associate. In these positions, Dr. Adamo gained extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of innovative microfluidic and millifluidic systems.

Jennifer Baltz, Ph.D. - Co-Founder

Jennifer Baltz, Ph.D. is a scientist with expertise in fields ranging from biophysics to basic biology and an entrepreneur with extensive business experience. Dr. Baltz holds a Bachelors of Science from Johns Hopkins University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Harvard University. She has been involved in the fundraising, boot-strapping and operation of several start up companies at different levels. She has been collaborating for several years with one of the largest angel investment groups in the US and with multiple investment funds focused on innovative technologies. She brings to Zaiput a breadth of business expertise, scientific acumen and connections in the business arena and is currently coordinating Zaiput's financial and business strategy.

Advisory Board

Timothy F. Jamison, Ph.D.

Dr. Jamison is a Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor of Snapdragon Chemistry. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and his Ph.D. from Harvard University. Professor Jamison has received of numerous honors and awards in recognition of his research contributions, including the American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, the JSPS Invitation Fellowship, the Sloan Research Fellowship, the GlaxoSmithKline Scholar Award, the Amgen Young Investigator Award, the Boehringer Ingelheim New Investigator Award, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and the 3M Innovation Award. In addition to this, Professor Jamison serves on the International Advisory Board for the Journal of Flow Chemistry and on the Academic Advisory Board for Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis. The research in Professor Jamison's group focuses on discovering and developing new methods for synthesizing organic molecules. Professor Jamison has published over 100 research articles and 15 patents.

Nopphon Weeranoppanant, Ph.D.

Dr. Nopphon Weeranoppanant is a chemical engineer specializing in the fields of continuous-flow technologies as well as chemical and bioprocess development. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University, and a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is currently a faculty member at Burapha University with a joint position at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology in Thailand. He previously served as a director of research at Zaiput and a technical consultant at General Mills, Inc. (USA) and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (Singapore). Dr. Nopphon received many awards and fellowships including the Charles F. Bonilla Medal, the David H. Koch (1962) Fellowship, and a Delegate of Thailand to the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Recently, he is recognized as an Emerging Investigator from Reaction Chemistry & Engineering (2019) and Journal of Flow Chemistry (2020). As a scientific advisor, he uses his technical expertise to advance product development at Zaiput.

Antonino Vaccaro, Ph.D.

Antonino Vaccaro is the Academic Director and a full time professor at the Center for Business in Society of the IESE Business School (Spain). His scientific and professional interests concern the intersection between technology strategy and organizational responsibility and accountability. Before joining IESE, Antonino has served as Executive Director of the Center for Ethics, Business and Economics of the Lisbon-Catolica, as research fellow in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy of Carnegie Mellon University and in the Information Ethics Group of the University of Oxford. Antonino Vaccaro has worked in consultancy and applied research projects for a number of companies including Southern Company, Artsana Group, Tecnotre, the Portuguese Judiciary Police, the UN Global Compact, EDP Foundation, Volkswagen, and REWE. Professor Vaccaro has also consulted as an expert in international dispute resolutions related to product liability, damage claims and asset evaluation. Antonino Vaccaro’s publications have appeared in journals including Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Ethics and Information Technology, The Information Society and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.